Author: curlygeek04

Review: Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes

Ghost Station was slow to get going, and it kept a lot of things hidden at first. It picks up quite a bit about halfway in, and from there it was a thrilling science fiction/horror/adventure story. It combines a lot of good horror elements — an abandoned, icy planet (with eerie howling wind), horrific nightmares,…

Review: Brave the Wild River by Melissa L. Sevigny

This book was recommended in last year’s Modern Mrs. Darcy Summer Reading Guide. It combines a lot of things I’m interested in: nature, history, feminism, and science. I also really like journey/adventure nonfiction, like Into the Wild, The Salt Path, Wild and Braving It. I’m a big fan of books about people who push themselves…

Review: Cascade Failure by L.M. Sagas

This book is billed as being a combination of the Expanse series and Becky Chambers’ Wayfarer series, but it made me think of Firefly. It’s nothing that hasn’t been done before — a ragtag, misfit crew on a space ship fights to save the day and each other. What made this book stand out was the humor…

Review: Floating Hotel by Grace Curtis

If you’re interested in science fiction that isn’t “science-y”, this may be a good book for you. It’s a blend of mystery-thriller-noir in a space setting. As the title indicates, this book is set in a space hotel, the Grand Abeona, which is something like a cruise ship that takes its guests on a prescribed route…

Ozathon 2024: Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz by L. Frank Baum

This is the fourth book of the Oz series. It wasn’t one of my favorites, and that didn’t change with this reading. It has quite a few inventive (and frightening) adventures, but I don’t think it’s as memorable as the other books in the series.  The story begins with Dorothy traveling to Hugson’s Ranch in…

Review: Women of Good Fortune by Sophie Wan

I really enjoyed this novel about three friends in China. Lulu is engaged to a man she doesn’t want to marry, Jane is saving up for plastic surgery because she hates the way she looks, and Rina wants to freeze her eggs so she doesn’t miss out on motherhood. They decide to steal the wedding…

My February Reading Wrap-Up

Happy March, readers! It’s a dreary time of year, but at least one exciting thing happens every March, and that’s the announcement of the Women’s Prize 2024 Longlist on March 5.  Here are some of my favorite books published in the last year: Chenneville, The Warm Hands of Ghosts, Tom Lake, The Fox Wife, The…