Review: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

I’ve been wanting to read something by Murakami for a while now, just from reading reviews on other blogs.  Right now most people are reading 1Q84, which is topping the critics “Best of 2011” lists, but I wanted to start with something a little more straightforward.  Alley over at What Red Read had the same idea, and the recommendation she received was Norwegian Wood.

Norwegian Wood (referring to the Beatles song of that name) is one of Murakami’s earlier books and considered to be highly autobiographical.  It’s also supposed to be more “linear” than his other works.  It begins with the narrator, Toru Watanabe, on a plane in his late thirties and looking back to when he was 19 in the late 1960s.   He tells us about a woman he loved intensely and lost.  Toru at nineteen is a young college student who rekindles a friendship with Naoko, the girlfriend of his best friend, Kizuki, who killed himself when they were seventeen.

I love the way the book begins, with Murakami writing about how hard it is to write about one’s most intense memories.  This is something I really identify with.  How an instance twenty years ago can stay in your head like it was yesterday; how you remember certain strange details, like a song playing or the weather or something you ate, but then can’t remember the faces of people who were important to you.  I’ve tried to write some of my own memories and I couldn’t put it better than Murakami does:

Writing from memory like this, I often feel a pang of dread.  What if I’ve forgotten the most important thing?  What if somewhere inside me there is a dark limbo where all the truly important memories are heaped and slowly turning into mud?  …

Once, long ago, when I was still young, when the memories were far more vivid than they are now, I often tried to write about Naoko.  But I was never able to produce a line. I knew that if that first line would come, the rest would pour itself onto the page, but I could never make it happen.  Everything was too sharp and clear, so that I could never tell where to start – the way a map that shows too much can sometimes be useless.  Now, though, I realize all I can place in the imperfect vessel of writing are imperfect memories and imperfect thoughts.  The more the memories of Naoko inside me fade, the more deeply I am able to understand her.

Going back to Toru’s youth, Toru and Naoko struggle to get past the tragedy of their friend’s death but still honor their friend’s memory.  They also struggle to build a friendship that is more than simply sharing memories of their friend. They are bound together by Kizuki’s death, but also limited by it.

Unfortunately, Naoko grows increasingly troubled, and she checks herself into a sort of mental health “retreat”, a communal establishment hidden far in the mountains, where residents care for each other and retreat from the stress of the outside world.  As Naoko struggles with her health, Toru must figure out what their relationship is and how he can help her.  At the same time, he meets another girl, a student in his classes, who he becomes increasingly attracted to.

Interestingly, I saw a lot of parallels between this book and the book I recently finished, The Marriage Plot.  Both are about college students, both focus on relationships and career issues, and both have characters that struggle with some sort of mental illness.  The Marriage Plot is written from an American point of view, while Norwegian Wood is Japanese.  As I was reading I definitely thought about how the Japanese perspective might be different from the American perspective, especially regarding suicide.  Many of the characters in Norwegian Wood have friends and family members who have killed themselves, and there almost seemed to be more acceptance about it, or at least  more pragmatism — although at the same time Murakami makes very clear that the characters in Norwegian Wood are dramatically impacted by these events their entire lives.

Unlike The Marriage Plot, Toru is viewing these events from a distance, and with the wisdom and knowledge of someone who has had years to reflect.  A twenty-year-old wouldn’t say things like:

I felt a kind of loneliness that was new to me, as if I were the only one here who was not truly part of the scene.  Come to think of it, what scene had I been part of in recent years?  The last one I could remember was in a billiards parlor near the harbor, where Kizuki and I shot pool together in a mood of total friendship.  Kizuki died that night, and ever since then a cold, stiffening wind had come between me and the world.  This boy Kizuki: what had his existence meant to me?  To this question I could find no answer.  All I knew – with absolute certainty – was that Kizuki’s death had robbed me forever of a part of my adolescence.  But what that meant, and what would come from it, were far beyond my understanding.

Toru, like Mitchell in The Marriage Plot, is a nice guy – he wants and desires Naoko and Midori (and women in general) but he also doesn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.  He grows increasingly uncomfortable with meaningless sex, and he struggles to be whatever Naoko and Midori need him to be.  This leaves him trapped in an escalating triangle, and clearly at some point he’s going to have to make a choice.

I read Naoko’s letter again and again, and each time I read it I would be filled with that same unbearable sadness I used to feel whenever Naoko herself stared into my eyes.  I had no way to deal with it, no place I could take it to or hide it away.  Like the wind passing over my body, it had neither shape nor weight, nor could I wrap myself in it.  Objects in the scene would drift past me, but the words they spoke never reached my ears.

I continued to spend my Saturday nights in the lobby… I would switch on the baseball game and pretend to watch it as I cut the empty space between me and the television set in two, then cut each half in two again, over and over, until I had fashioned a space small enough to hold in my hand.

This book is beautifully written, and I really enjoyed the characters and identified with their struggles.  The story is dark but not overwhelming; it somehow remains subtle.  I occasionally found the dialogue stilted, compared to the rest of the narrative.  I expect that has something to do with the translation of the book, or cultural/language differences.

There was one character I just didn’t like, and that was Naoko’s friend Reiki.  I just found her bizarre – pushy and unrealistically written.  She acts as sort of a mentor and friend to both Naoko and Toru, but I found her off-putting, particularly her story of how she ends up in the institution and her long speechmaking.  Every time Toru visits Naoko she just takes over and manipulates both characters, yet it seems as a reader I’m supposed to admire her.  Maybe this is a failure in the translation, or maybe I missed something, but I really disliked both her character and her role in the story.  At times she seems almost more like a plot device (for example, Toru hears about Naoko through letters from Reiki) but then Murakami spends way too much time on her.

Otherwise, Murakami really shows you the complexities of mental illness, suicide, and just the struggle of every day characters to get past the tragedies in their lives and find happiness with each other.  Toru is sort of a blank canvas – he has issues but really he reflects all the passions and worries of the people around him.  His friends are strange and interesting while he seems to go through life as a passive observer.

I liked how Murakami, while concentrating on big themes of love, loss, and disconnectedness, really pays attention to the small details of daily life, like bus routes and part-time jobs.  Money isn’t a key issue in the story but it’s definitely recognized by characters as important (Naoki’s sanatorium, for example, is only for the wealthy who can afford a place to just rest.) I’ve never been to Japan, but Murakami’s vivid description made me feel I was there.

This is a moving story about love and friendship and first relationships.  I really enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to reading more of Murakami’s work.  If you’re a Murakami fan, what would you recommend?

  20 comments for “Review: Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

  1. December 18, 2011 at 8:17 pm

    Ah, I love it when someone else finds and enjoys Murakami. It’s difficult to recommend him to people… maybe After Dark.

    After Dark is quite short and it only covers one night in Tokyo where some rather strange things happen. However, it is far more obviously ‘weird’ then his others and more simple in that respect.

    Perhaps Kafka on the Shore? That is very weird too but it is quite intricate. it was my first Murakami and I really enjoyed it. It depends if you want to take a big step, or a little step.

    My personal favourite of his so far has been “Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World” It is similar to 1Q84 I think (I haven’t read that yet) in that it has two separate, but linked narratives. One in a strange world of unicorn skulls and the other in a sort of… future/different reality.

    What I love about Murakami is that he writes weird things as if they’re perfectly normal, every day things. You can be going along making a cup of tea and then suddenly a cat’s talking to you or you’re sitting at the bottom of a well.

    • December 19, 2011 at 10:15 pm

      Thanks for all the great suggestions! I’ve got plenty of reading ideas now. Clearly Murakami has a lot of fans.

  2. December 19, 2011 at 12:22 am

    Glad you enjoyed this one! And I’m interested to hear you found similarities between this and The Marriage Plot (which is on my TBR).
    I’ve heard Kafka on the Shore is a good Murakami to go with.

  3. December 19, 2011 at 12:39 am

    I have just finished reading The Wind up Bird Chronicle, which was very good. But, A Wild Sheep Chase is a good next one, and then DEFINITELY Kafka on the shore:-) I am hoping for IQ84 in my stocking this year…..

  4. December 19, 2011 at 8:58 am

    I read 5 Murakami novels this summer, including this one. It is beautiful yet, sad, like most Murakami books. I also recommend you the movie 🙂

  5. December 19, 2011 at 11:07 am

    I really want to read this one. I love his other work – especially Kafka on the Shore – and want to read this one before the movie comes out in 2012.

  6. December 19, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    OH my goodness, they are making a movie of it?? How cool!

    • December 19, 2011 at 1:19 pm

      They’ve already made a movie and it’s all in Japanese. I believe it’s just out in the US, or coming out soon. It’s already been out and come to DVD in the UK. It wasn’t in any of my local cinemas so I waited for the DVD. I thought it was really good, but for those who haven’t read the book I’m not sure it’d make much sense. It didn’t have the “Murakami-ness” of course but I thought it was a pretty good translation. The music was composed by Jonny Greenwood and is beautifully haunting.

      • December 22, 2011 at 1:45 pm

        Thank you for posting this clip! It sounds like a lot of people are really interested in the movie. Beautiful music.

  7. December 19, 2011 at 3:54 pm

    Angels sang when I read this book. I’m only half kidding. It was gorgeous and fabulous, and I think it was the ABSOLUTE BEST place I could’ve started with Murakami’s work. While I most definitely need to read more of his stuff, I would also recommend After Dark.

  8. December 20, 2011 at 5:02 am

    I’ve only read The Wind-up Bird Chronicles so I wouldn’t call myself a fan quite yet, but it’s certainly an interesting book. A little strange, a little intense, but very good. I was actually debating between Norwegian Wood and Kafka on the Shore for my next Murakami – this review now has me leaning towards Norwegian Wood.

  9. December 22, 2011 at 1:04 pm

    Thanks for the short clip(he music is beautiful) and Now I need to find the movie:-)! Though I think I may reread Norwegian Wood(I read it a few years ago) and then watch it. Hmm, I do wonder if we can find the DVD in South Africa, will just have to order it online if necessary. Thanks again for the heads up!

  10. April 24, 2012 at 12:48 am

    I loved this book! I’d recommend 1Q84 as your next Murakami – don’t be put off by the size, as the pages just fly by.
    Interesting comparison with The Marriage Plot – I didn’t really like that book, maybe my thoughts lie more towards the Japanese side of things.

  11. April 13, 2014 at 2:03 am

    Norwegian Wood- a light and a quick read. Of all the Murakami book I have read, I liked Kafka on the Shore, the most. The underlying mysteries, magic realisms, the two person narrative- all of this has contributed in creating a masterpiece.

  12. November 2, 2014 at 6:54 pm

    I actually liked the character of Reiko. From reading the book, I feel that Reiko is the only person Naoko could actually relate to or have a genuine relationship with since her breakdown. She does try her best to help Toru understand mental illness by explaining her own story to him and updating him frequently on the decline of Naoko’s well-being. She is also the one who helps Toru realise that he needs to move on with his life and, in a sort of way, provides him with the closure he needs to do so.

    I watched the movie, which Reiko does not really feature in, and I must say that it made the plot bland and rather flat in comparison to the book.

    • February 20, 2015 at 6:25 pm

      I’m in agreement Enyaji, Reiko was one of my favorite characters and their mistreatment of her in the movie had me groaning (the movie is otherwise a beautifully shot and a decent summary of the book, but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who hasn’t read the book).

      I loved the role Reiko played, her story of how she wound up in the sanatorium, and it was interesting and so selfless I thought how she visited Watanabe just to help him move onto loving Midori fully. At least it seemed that was her primary purpose. Reiko gives closure not only to Watanabe but I think to all the readers. To anyone (like me) who was affected by all the deaths in the book, Reiko is the one who urges Watanabe and the reader to, yes, feel the pain, but more importantly to keep living.

  13. Shane Kharene
    August 10, 2016 at 2:48 am

    hello. I am currently reading Norwegian Wood and I am starting to love it. This is my first Murakami’s book. I want to read “The Wind-Up Chronicle” after this. 🙂

  14. January 6, 2020 at 3:23 am

    Reblogged this on the thoughtless musings.

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